Guest Post: Preset the “FROM” email addresses of an Email Send

Today’s guest post is from Robbert Jacobs, a ClickDimensions Certified Professional at CRM Partners in The Netherlands.

One of our customers is an international company that has their headquarters and main marketing department in The Netherlands. Although the marketing department designs the templates that are used in regular sales actions, it is up to the regional offices across Europe themselves to create, adapt and send email blasts to their local customers. One of the challenges we faced here is they didn’t want to risk the situation where someone would misuse the “From name” and “From e-mail” fields to enter wrong or incorrect data. To solve this, we locked these fields and offered a solution where users can only choose pre-defined options.

Additionally, this solution falls within the standard security and business unit configuration and can be maintained in a flexible manner. Key users can easily add or remove e-mail addresses without any customization needs.

Here’s how we’ve done it:

First we created a new entity called “E-mail addresses.”

In this record, you can enter a name and email address.

Secondly, we added a required lookup on the Email Send form to the e-mail addresses. Here, users can select a predefined record, while the from name and email address are no longer required.

After a user selects a record and saves the Email Send, a workflow will update the record on the background and fill the “From name” and “From email” fields. In addition we added a JavaScript that will hide the send button as long as the “Send from address” and “From name” are not corresponding (or you could use the ribbon editor: ).

NOTE: we used a workflow for this case, but you could also use JavaScript, a real time workflow in CRM2013 or a synchronization plugin.

After the workflow is completed and the user refreshes the form, the send button is available again and the correct information is entered and shown in the fields.

Happy marketing!

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