Responsive design now available in the drag and drop editor

With the explosion of mobile devices, it has become more and more common to check emails on the train, waiting in line, or even during a coffee break, and we use iPhones, Droids, tablets and laptops to do so. In our July release, we’ve added responsive design to the drag and drop editor, which will now ensure your email looks sharp no matter what device it’s viewed on. Emails will automatically adjust for easy reading based on the size of the display rendering it – we’ve done the HTML/CSS work for you!

Not sure what we mean by responsive design? Let’s take a look…

With many email templates, your message doesn’t easily fit a smaller screen such as a smart phone. Readers would have to reduce the size of the email (making for very tiny text!) or scroll across to see all of the message:

With responsive templates built using the drag and drop editor, images and content are automatically resized and repositioned based on the user’s screen size:

Notice how the ClickDimensions logo is resized to fit the smaller screen. The text blocks and images are also repositioned so that they can be easily viewed on a smaller device. The blocks now run vertically down the page to avoid cut-off text or horizontal scrolling.

From the drag and drop editor, you can quickly preview your responsive email using the new “Preview” button. This will show the email on a simulated phone screen:

You can also use the updated Inbox Preview feature to see your email in a variety of desktop, mobile and web-based email clients:

We’re excited to release this highly-requested feature to help your emails pack a punch—even when your recipients view them on the go!

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