Email Marketing Etiquette

Email Marketing Etiquette
The holiday season and the end of the year can seem a bit hectic on the email marketing front—everyone is trying to reach their audience and vie for attention all at once. It can be overwhelming for your recipients to consistently receive an onslaught of emails. Here are some reminders about practicing good email marketing etiquette when reaching your audience: Permission-Based Email Marketing  This is a cornerstone value ClickDimensions holds for our customers. Do not use purchased lists, rented lists, third-party lists, or continue to email your contacts against their request. Use our options for global unsubscribe or subscription management. Remember, you must include either a link to a ClickDimensions subscription management page or the link to the global unsubscribe within an email template being sent to 500 or more recipients. Of course, we recommend including either of these links no matter how many recipients you include in your emails! Remember, there is a person on the other end of your email; he or she is not just a sales opportunity. Quality ContentWhat is the quality of the content you are sending? Are you sending out email messages just to grab the recipient’s attention, or is there a true takeaway with valuable information included? Remember to check spelling, use concise sentences, include alternative text (for those who don’t render images), use short paragraphs, include relevant details, break up blocks of text with images, and ensure your subject line relates to your email content. All of these suggestions can be implemented…
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