Click Tricks: The Current Event Field

A ClickDimensions customer recently asked about making a series of confirmation email templates for people who sign up for a particular event. They wanted individuals to be sent an auto responder email personalized with information about an event once they completed the registration form. Event registration services that are integrated with ClickDimensions (for example, GoToWebinar or Eventbrite) typically have their own confirmation emails for specific events. However, if you wanted to create an event manually within CRM, you don’t have a way to reference these events in email templates using personalization. You would have to create custom fields for every event that you create and personalize the template that way, but that would make the management of the entity records more and more taxing as new events came along in the future. You would have a long list of expired event fields unless you deleted every custom field once the event is over. But no worries, I’ve found a solution: the Current Event field. This field will update on a Contact or Lead record with their most recent event registration, making it easy to personalize with the current event that an individual will be attending. First, you will need to create a custom field called “Current Event.” To do this, go to a Contact or Lead and select Form. This will open the Form Editor which allows you to add or edit fields displayed on the record. We are going to be adding our new Current Event field, so you…
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