Advanced Find Logic for Multiple ClickDimensions Records of a Certain Kind

It’s easy enough to see Page View records within CRM, or even filter the data with certain criteria (page title, date, etc.). But what if you’re trying to view the Contacts in your CRM who have viewed two or more specific web pages, and you want to market to these people in particular? You are looking for the Contacts who have viewed both Page A and Page B, not just one or the other. How would you find these individuals and create a Marketing List of these Contacts? The most efficient tool in this case is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Advanced Find. Your first thought might be to create an Advanced Find that looks like this: But, as you can see from the comment on the screen shot, this would be incorrect. CRM interprets this Advanced Find as if you are looking for Contacts who have Page View records where the page name is simultaneously “Page A” and “Page B.” Because the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Advanced Find tool can only query one search at a time, the criteria you enter must relate to the single query. CRM cannot search for contacts who have Page View records for both Page A and Page B in one shot. Instead, we must search for Contacts who have a Page View record for Page A, then we must take those Contacts and run the query on them to see if they have a Page View record for Page B, then add those final members…
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