Creating the ClickDimensions Newsletter with the Drag and Drop Editor

Here at ClickDimensions, we send out a monthly newsletter that covers all of the great content we’ve published during the past month. It features blog posts, eBooks, upcoming events, company announcements and more. (If you’re not on the mailing list, click here to subscribe!) In addition to providing compelling content, one of our goals for the newsletter is to highlight the capabilities of our email marketing tools. Our newsletter is built using our Drag and Drop email editor, and in this blog post we’re going to share a few of the tips and tricks about how it’s built. The Layout First, we start with the Body + 3 Columns layout. The three columns allow us to create the grid effect in the body of the newsletter. The Header The newsletter header contains our logo, social sharing icons and a masthead. Because we wanted the masthead to be heavily branded with our logo, fonts and background icons, it was created as an image. In the body of the newsletter, however, we try to use text as much as possible. Feature Story Each month, there is a topic that we feature at the top of the newsletter. In February, that was our 2016 update to our Marketing with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Idea eBook. For the feature area, we create a body content type of Image on Left or Image on Right. Content Areas Much like the feature story, we create content blocks (using the Image on Left or Image on Right options)…
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