CallRail’s A/B Testing Integration with Optimizely

0 Flares 0 Flares × We’re excited to announce our A/B testing integration with Optimizely, a company that’s been a leader in bringing content variation testing and personalization to businesses large and small. During a recent customer base analysis we did here at CallRail, we found a significant number of our customers are using tools like Optimizely to test variations of their content and determine which version drove the most conversions. With the integration we’re announcing today, CallRail users can now count phone calls and text messages among the conversions they already analyze in Optimizely. What is Optimizely? In the world of Conversion Rate Optimization, Optimizely is well known. The company builds tools to help organizations test, personalize, and optimize websites and mobile apps. It’s mainly known for its robust, easy-to-use A/B testing tool that enables web developers and marketers to test variations of web pages, landing pages, and mobile app interfaces. Early on the company was deeply rooted in data driven analysis. The company was founded shortly after the 2008 presidential campaign, in which one of the founders worked as the Director of Analytics for the Obama Biden campaign. Many of the tactics used during that successful campaign were incorporated into Optimizely’s A/B testing methodology. You can read more about the company’s history from founder Dan Siroker himself here. To date Optimizely counts more than 7,000 customers ranging from enterprises like Starbucks and Disney to marketing agencies working to drive results for their SMB clients. In its own words,…
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