Over the course of the last year, you’ve heard a consistent message from me and our team here at Allbound: Traditional partner sales and marketing, and many of the systems behind them, are broken. Because of this, Allbound’s vision since day one has been to reinvent the economics of partnership by empowering people and businesses to successfully grow together. Since our launch, we have taken our leadership role in disrupting and modernizing indirect sales quite seriously — with the explicit purpose of helping to establish and further the exchange of best practices for our maturing, yet oftentimes laggard industry. In 2016, we’re excited to launch the first and only conference focused 100% on digital innovation and disruption in channel sales, marketing and customer success— and it’s for both vendors AND their partners. We call it CO:LLABORATE. The decision to build and market an industry conference is intentional, serving as a sign that our thought leadership efforts are separate but equal to the efforts we put forward in building cutting-edge technology. With that, you will never hear an Allbound sales pitch at any point during CO:LLABORATE unless you choose to seek it out. This determined focus on channel collaboration and community is what has catalyzed the excitement behind CO:LLABORATE, and as a result, we’re experiencing an exciting movement for growth, with attendance of our marquee conference expected to cross 500 attendees in 2016. As more and more companies are investing in sales and marketing partners as a critical engine for business…
Read More: It’s Time to CO:LLABORATE