Creating a Campaign Automation Performance Chart

Are you using campaign automations within ClickDimensions and want to be able to show in a chart the performance of the emails within those campaigns? In this article, we will demonstrate one method for doing exactly that. 1. Give your email templates names that will let you order them by the campaign automation step. We have set up a lead nurturing campaign automation in our training environment for the fictional company, Tomato Gardens. As leads progress through the campaign automation, they will receive a series of emails introducing them to Tomato Gardens and offering recipes, deals and other information, with the end goal of having them attend a farmers market event. We have used the following naming convention for our templates to make it easier to build the campaign automation and report on its performance: CAB Nurture Email 1 CAB Nurture Email 2 CAB Nurture Email 3 TIP: If your campaign automation has branching paths in it (such as “If the recipient clicks, send template X, and if the recipient does not click, send template Y”), you might consider naming your templates something like “Automation Template: Step 1A” and “Automation Template: Step 1B” (where the 1A is the template they get if they clicked, and 1B is the template they get if they did not). 2. Build a view of email sends with the following criteria: In the email send entity, you can look up the campaign automation that originated an email send. It is not on the email send form,…
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