3 Ways to Determine Why an Email Address was Blocked

When you view emails statistics on an Email Send record, you may see that there are some excluded emails. There are three reasons an email address would be excluded from receiving an email: 1. Missing email: There is no email address in the email field on the Lead/Contact record. 2. Unsubscribe: The recipient previously unsubscribed. 3. Blocked: The recipient’s email address hard bounced on an email you previously sent, the email address has had four soft bounces in the last 90 days or the person manually marked a previous email as spam. You can read more about ClickDimensions bounce codes and service protection here. The first two reasons are fairly easy to identify in CRM, but sometimes it can be difficult to determine why someone has been blocked. Here are three methods you can use to determine why an email address was blocked: Method 1: The Email Send Record Go to the Email Send record > related drop-down menu > Excluded Emails This will take you to the Excluded Email Associated View. In this example, you can see one email was excluded for being unsubscribed and one was blocked. We are going to click on the blocked record to investigate further. Once the Excluded Email record is open, you will need to click on the related Contact/Lead record: On the Contact/Lead record, click the related drop-down menu > Email Events: This will take you to the Email Event Associated View. Here we can see this contact has been blocked for “Invalid…
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