Rest in Peace PRM (Goodbye Old Friend)

Today, as we say goodbye to one who was both a friend and nemesis, it’s only fitting that we start by remembering the good. A child of the 90’s, PRM was “all that and a bag of chips” when business professionals first laid eyes on it. Finally, channel sales and marketing leaders could get their hands on real software built just for them – on its own shiny CD. It wasn’t Windows 95, and it didn’t say “You’ve Got Mail,” but it was big and robust and it had folders and files and colorful icons, and it helped organize the contacts and documents needed to start simplifying a channel professional’s daily grind. Most importantly, it signaled that the channel was moving mainstream. For years, PRM basked in the glory of being the go-to category for channel software. And as the requirements of the channel kept growing and growing, getting more complex, interactive and global alongside the ascent email and the internet, so too did PRM. In fact, you could almost say that P.R.M. actually stood for Y.E.S. as new vendors came into play with a tendency to take on every single feature request thrown their way. And, so it grew. And it grew. And it grew. And such a tangled web it wove. As if overcome by a rabid disease, PRM, which had tried so hard to please so many and bring together so many people and systems and processes, had suddenly stopped solving problems — and, instead, started creating…
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