Build Software Worth Using With UX Design

Build Software Worth Using With UX Design
Occasionally Allbound invites guest bloggers to contribute to our Partner Sales Acceleration conversation, and today’s blog post is from Rebecca Heft, VP of Digital Strategy at Gate6. So often we design things for ourselves. It’s natural. But it doesn’t always create the best results because we aren’t our target users. To create truly great digital experiences, we have to figure out who the users are and spend time empathizing with them. What is their life like? What are their struggles? What ways do they prefer to interact online? If you are lucky enough to have customer service information, think of it as a gold mine. To start, speak with your customer service staff and have them tell you specific customer stories. Then, use those accounts to develop user personas and establish empathy. Once you have a basic understanding of your audience, you can better design and develop a solution to meet its needs. Don’t Develop a Pig UX is not UI. If the user experience stinks, no amount of user interface design will help it. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig. The only way to be sure you’re not creating a bloated, ugly pig of an experience is to focus on your user. Understand how they prefer to interact, what their needs are from the system you’re creating, and what kinds of things would delight them. Design the path and interaction for your users and let the software be built to fit that experience. UX is not UI. Click To Tweet Cheap Tools and…
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