Ditch the Test-Taking Anxiety Monster in Nursing School

Alright, time to talk about the big thing on a lot of our minds…test-taking anxiety! And with exams creeping up, it’s a great time to learn some ways to just knock it out! Test-taking anxiety is a common issue among students, and we’ve all felt the pain at some point. The important thing to remember is that it’s all a head game. Here are some tips and tricks to remember before you run screaming for the hills. [embedded content] 1. Preparation is Key The number one thing to remember is to be prepared. This will give you a positive attitude walking into the exam, and set your mind up for success. When you walk into the exam knowing your material, your head is already telling you: YOU GOT THIS. Anxiety stands no chance against you. 2. Ditch that 2nd Cuppa Joe Enough sleep. Check. Healthy breaky. Check. But also- limit the caffeine before the test (gasp!) We understand; we’ve all had those mornings where we need an IV drip of coffee running through our veins, too. But try to refrain and keep it to one to two cups, just so you aren’t too jittery during the test. 3. Walk it Out You know that guy who is sitting there frantically ruffling through his notes and pacing around five minutes before the exam? Don’t be that guy. In fact, get away from that guy. Take a five minute walk before the exam to clear your head. You’ll walk in with a…
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