Sales Productivity Metrics: How Much Time Do Your Channel Reps Spend Selling?

“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity.” ― Jean de La Bruyère, Les CaractèresTime…(I think this sentence is best thought of coming out of the mouth of the priest in Princess Bride, just substitute time for mawageand be sure to pronounce it tamme! Sorry for wasting time, I digress, back to time…Time) is one of our most valuable resources and the one we personally have the most control over in our own lives. Yet, time is also the easiest resource to waste. As a life extensionist and self-proclaimed time-freak, I am always looking for ways to better use my time.Let’s first turn you all into time freaks as well with a little time thought-exercise.Let’s take seconds. Why? Because seconds are easy to understand, but we rarely think of time in seconds and instead think of time in years, days, decades, …etc. Let’s reverse that logic for a second (see what I did there?) and let’s look at seconds to quantify our time. One million seconds (1,000,000) = roughly 11.5 days One billion seconds (1,000,000,000) = roughly 32 years One trillion seconds (1,000,000,000,000)= roughly 32,000 years! Now when we look at seconds, we can start to see that they do indeed add up fast! And we should be more mindful of how we spend our seconds each day (a typical work day is 28,800 seconds only!).When your direct and channel reps can spend more time (read: seconds) working with leads, that…
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