PBJ 20 People to Know – Startups: Todd Belfer

Original Post.

Define a startup:

An early stage business that has identified a solution to a problem, and now is working to turn that solution and their assumptions into a viable business.

Explain your work over the years in local startups?

Over the past nine years, we have invested over $30 million in local startups. I’ve also had the opportunity to serve as strategic adviser on the boards of six more local startups, where I provide guidance and mentorship on successfully scaling, building out the executive team and overcoming growth challenges.

Why do you think it’s important to help local startups?

Startups are the lifeblood of any local economy. They create jobs, attract new talent and business, and help the local economy weather downturns. But it takes a great deal to successfully scale a growth company. They need access to resources and support in terms of capital investment and human capital.

Read more here: https://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/news/2017/08/25/20-people-to-know-startups-todd-belfer.html