Easy Money for You, a Better Business Phone System for Referrals.
Have business contacts or friends in need of a better business phone system? Refer them to the Vonage business phone system. With the small to mid-sized businesses rapidly moving to cloud-hosted business VoIP phone systems, now’s the perfect time to get involved in the Vonage Business referral program. Introduce your business contacts and friends to our business VoIP phone system and you can earn $200 to $2,500 when they sign up for our service.1
Tips for Referral Success
It’s no surprise that our referral program’s most successful participants are current Vonage Business Solutions’ customers. Most switched from traditional phone providers, they know firsthand how productive and economical our system is, and they’re passionate about it. But the program is also open to anyone interested in referring businesses to our business phone solution.
These tips will help you build a continuing base of referrals:
- Reach out to your network. You already have a network of business colleagues, vendors and industry friends (including your LinkedIn network). Tell them about the Vonage business VoIP phone system.
- Do your homework. Learn all you can about cloud-hosted business VoIP solutions, and become an expert. And remind your network about the qualities that set Vonage Business Solutions apart from others in the industry: savings, business features, service reliability and support.
Think industry-specific. You may already know that some business categories are particularly ideal for business VoIP – insurance, law and physician practices, marketing agencies, real estate offices and many more. Consider targeting a specific industry(s) to develop your referrals.
- Generate conversations. There have never been more opportunities to participate in business conversations, whether it’s an online discussion group or a local chamber of commerce meeting. Take advantage and offer yourself as a resource.
- Tell your story. Great referrals often result from talking about your own experiences and giving simple advice. If it’s genuine, you’ll seldom need to oversell to generate a quality referral. Be yourself and tell your story.
A business referral is essentially a meaningful endorsement from an industry peer. The Vonage Business referral program was developed to show our appreciation for every referral. We like participants to think of the referral program as a “win-win” opportunity – easy money for you, and a better and less-expensive phone system for the businesses you refer. Learn more about the program on our website or call: 1-855-236-0106.
1Vonage Business Solutions will distribute referral payouts 90 days after the referred account has been an active and paying customer. The referred account must be a current active paying customer and in compliance with Vonage Business Solutions Terms of Service.

About Jenni Heller
Jenni is the Referral Marketing Manager at Vonage Business Solutions and stays busy coming up with new campaigns to get our customers excited about referring. In her free time she enjoys researching her next vacation destination and being a proud Green Bay Packer Shareholder.
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