6 Ways to Get Your Life Together This December
Thanksgiving break is over, and things have officially gotten real. Finals are coming, and so is the holiday season, and it’s easy to let your head spin with everything you need to get done. Don’t let it get the best of you! Take a look in the mirror, give yourself a pep talk, listen to “Roar” by Katy Perry as many times as necessary, and follow these six tips to get your life together in December: Get your sleep cycle on point “Are you okay? You look so tired!” First things first: never say these words to anyone. Even with the best of intentions, no one wants or needs to hear this. If you’re the one getting this from your friends and family, it’s a good indication that you’ve let stress and discontent take over, and you could probably use a better sleep routine. Check out this article for tips on resetting your sleep cycle, and make it a goal to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. Write it down Now it’s time to figure out what your overall goals for the month of December should be, and how you’re going to accomplish them. Remember to make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. You’re probably not going to make all of your long-term goals come true by December 31st, but you can certainly get a good start! Establish your routine of awesome Become a morning person is tough, but you can do it!…
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